sábado, 27 de outubro de 2012

Reflections for nothing ...

Láurence Raulino (*)

The Nothing after death, likely fate of all of us, in real, constitutes true executioner of the best human hopes and fantasies, hence the need for us to God (invention of prehistoric man, which "He" was not created, so unlike ...), faith - any faith ... - Creations originating from prehistory and refined over centuries of history by the doctrines, churches, gyms ... everything not to succumb at the first corner of life. In the back of our minds, deep down ... however, we suspect that these "escape valves" do not pass the follies collective and individual common sense consented to allow life to continue on its ups and downs, and almost always guided by rationality mean, that makes us endure it and keep us away from harmful thoughts as our likely destination, real.

Still trying to escape from harmful thoughts as this symbolized and centered on our likely destination after death, we take away the chaos and turn to the high rationality, and thus seek to direct our lives with planning, based on knowledge, in order and discipline, which not infrequently takes us away from poetry and the arts in general (with which we can minimize the tragedy of existence, no escape, as we do by way of religion), when we are led to infantile illusion of permanence, continuity ... as if with the same - rationality - could live at least 100, 200, 300 years longer, or even by / physical eternity in this world - and we know the real or try to know. However, those who live or seek to live rationally, also die sooner or later, of course, also the misguided, shortsighted ... to, the loss in the common sense paths and pitfalls of life.

Within that purpose by order and discipline in our lives, beside or away from science we thought the politics, which led us to plan it more intensely in the last hundred years, that the point of building systems supposedly rational and fair, as the socialism, communism ..., free from contradictions and injustices bourgeois, but all under and by virtue of these, it is thought, were left on the floor, the same fate of other same or similar systems that may still come to a individual freedom and an end to impose collectivism and damn moron, religious illusion - like say the stigmatized, but lucid and controversial Roberto Campos - the nefarious and even our short existence, like so many others.

To art - and the arts - but with their obvious quirks, love is the few human experiences that allows us to transcend and walking to meet ourselves, unlike the religious route, which is the way to escape reality and mismatch with our self, as pure alienation and subordination insane and primitive, only justifiable despair with the inescapable certainty of death. But love is human capacity - yes, not divine, as alleged by faith - restricted and limited, because only love and truly our parents, children, women ..., never collective, hence the misconception, for example, the project Christian, who showed his complete failure over twenty centuries precisely because sending and assume the contrary, ie, "love thy neighbor as thyself." Love your neighbor and the neighbor who is near us, simply, unlike the misconception of Christian hypocrisy.

In the community, we can and should do with / to others is respect it, in the name of ethics and morality, but neither are religious background, although there since time immemorial this serious existential confusion. Yes, the human ethics and morality, which built the secular humanism, founded on respect and consideration to the human condition itself, constituted since the origin of being intelligent, sensitive and autonomous formed in individuality, so even that enforces all the rules of ethics and morality. Here's what just for civilized life, still an unfinished process and be built as a permanent and daily challenge.

(*) - Lawyer, writer and columnist.

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